Current Respiratory Medicine Reviews

Author(s): Artem Kuzovlev*, Aslan Shabanov and Andrey Grechko

DOI: 10.2174/1573398X15666190808111757

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Nosocomial Pneumonia: An Update on Early Diagnosis and Prevention

Page: [251 - 259] Pages: 9

  • * (Excluding Mailing and Handling)


Nosocomial pneumonia and nosocomial tracheobronchitis present a significant problem of anesthesiology and critical care medicine. This review presents the results of our own research on the usefulness of new molecular biomarkers in the early diagnosis of nosocomial pneumonia, as well as modern principles for its prevention. A promising direction for the early diagnosis of nosocomial pneumonia and its complications is the study of new molecular biomarkers, in particular, Club cell protein and surfactant proteins. Effective prevention of nosocomial pneumonia should be based on a complex of modern evidence-based methods.

Keywords: Biomarkes, diagnosis, nosocomial pneumonia, prophylaxis, sepsis, fever.

Graphical Abstract

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