International Journal of Sensors, Wireless Communications and Control

Author(s): Zeina Ali* and Qutaiba I. Ali

DOI: 10.2174/2210327913666230824145823

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Examining the Effects of Exteroceptive Sensors of Autonomous Vehicles (AV) on CAN Bus

Page: [270 - 283] Pages: 14

  • * (Excluding Mailing and Handling)


Background: Exteroceptive sensors on an autonomous vehicle require a high-performance communication bus. The number of exteroceptive sensors keeps rising, and the CAN bus, the most common intra-network bus in vehicles, cannot keep up.

Objective: This paper investigates the effect of Exteroceptive Sensors of Autonomous Vehicles on the CAN and CAN FD buses. Four types of sensors (4 cameras, 6 radars, 1 LiDAR, and 1 INS) have been introduced to create five different scenarios in two different test environments.

Methods: The simulation used a highly effective environment to obtain accurate measurements and results.

Results and Conclusion: The results showed that the LiDAR sensor has huge data and requires a highefficiency bus; the CAN bus could not handle it, and the rest of the sensors can transfer their data through the traditional CAN bus.

Keywords: CAN, autonomous vehicle (AV), exteroceptive sensor, CANoe, busload, LiDAR.

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